Guardian Angels

Serving in the
Love of Christ

Uniform Information

  • All Students
    1. All parts of the uniform, except shoes and socks MUST be purchased from the approved uniform vendor: Risse Brothers, 11701 S. Belcher Road, Largo
    2. Shirts and blouses must be tucked in at all times.
    3. Heels may not exceed 2 inches. No boots, sandals or sneakers may be worn with the daily uniform.
    4. No non-uniform jackets may be worn.
    Due to lack of changing facilities, students will be permitted to wear their physical education uniforms on the days they meet for physical education classes. (K-5 will meet two days each week; 6-8 will meet three days each week) On all other days, the regulation or religious service uniform must be worn.

    Boys' Regulation Uniform for Grades K - 5
    · Navy blue polo
    · Khaki Pants/Shorts, Black Belt, White, Navy or Black Socks
    · Navy Cardigan/Pullover Sweater
    · Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers

    Boys' Mass Uniform for Grades K - 5
    · White oxford shirt, Plaid Tie
    · Khaki Pants/Shorts (in warmer weather), Black Belt, White, Navy or Black Socks
    · Navy Cardigan/Pullover Sweater
    · Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers

    Boys' Regulation Uniform for Grades 6 - 8
    · White oxford shirt
    · Khaki pants/shorts, Black Belt, White, Navy or Black Socks
    · Navy Pullover Vest or Sweater
    · Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers

    Boys' Mass Uniform for Grades 6 - 8
    · White oxford shirt, Plaid Tie,
    · Khaki Pants/Shorts (in warmer weather), Black Belt, White, Navy or Black Socks
    · Navy Pullover Vest or Sweater
    · Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers

    Girls' Regulation Uniform for Grades K - 5
    · Navy Blue Polo
    · Khaki Pants/Shorts/Skirt, Black Belt (for shorts/pants), White, Navy or Black Socks
    · White Peter Pan Blouse and Plaid Jumper
    · Navy Cardigan/Pullover Sweater
    · Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers

    Girls' Mass Uniform for Grades K - 5
    · White Peter Pan Blouse and Plaid Jumper, White, Navy or Black Socks
    · Navy Cardigan/Pullover Sweater
    · Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers

    Girls' Regulation Uniform for Grades 6 - 8
    · White Oxford Shirt
    · Khaki Pants/Shorts/Skirt, Black Belt (for shorts/pants), White, Navy or Black socks
    · Navy Pullover Vest or Sweater
    · Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers

    Girls' Mass Uniform for Grades 6 - 8
    · Same as Daily Uniform

    Physical Education Uniform - Available at Risse Brothers with school logo
    Gray PE Shirt
    Navy PE shorts/sweatpants
    White, Navy or Black socks
    Solid Black Sneakers

    Hair Styles

    All students are expected to have a regular or conservative hairstyle. Boys’ hair should be kept neatly trimmed above the eyebrows in the front, above the collar in the back, and not below the ears. All students: tails, coloring, severe haircuts, lines cut in the hair, shaved areas, or any style associated with values contrary to the philosophy of the school are not permitted. Students should be clean –shaven at all times.
    Baseball caps are not part of the uniform and may not be worn in the building.


    Jewelry is not to be worn with the uniform.
    Exceptions: wristwatch (no smartwatches), chain with small religious medal or cross, identification bracelet for medical or emergency purposes, small matching pierced earrings for girls (no hoops and nothing below the earlobe) Only one earring per ear is permitted and no earrings for boys. Tattoos are not permitted. Makeup and nail polish are not permitted.

    Jewelry: wristwatch (no smartwatches), one bracelet, one ring, chain with small medal or cross, identification bracelet for medical or emergency purposes, small matching earrings for girls (no hoops and nothing below the earlobe) Only one earring per ear is permitted and no earrings for boys. Tattoos are not permitted.

    Miscellaneous: Grades 6-8
    All Students
    Belts must be worn at all times. Girls are permitted to wear ribbon-like or fabric belts.

    Girls: Make Up/Nail Polish
    6th and 7th: NO MAKE-UP. Light pink or natural colored nail polish is permissible for middle-school girls.
    8th: Mascara, subtle lip gloss and/or subtle blush may be worn. NO eye shadow or eye liner is permitted. Light pink or natural colored nail polish is permissible for middle-school girls.